How Does Galadriel Get to Rivendell in “The Hobbit”?

Q: How Does Galadriel Get to Rivendell in “The Hobbit”?

ANSWER: Galadriel does not appear and is not mentioned in the J.R.R. Tolkien book The Hobbit. However, Peter Jackson included her in a (purely made-up) scene in Rivendell (in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”) where Gandalf meets with Elrond, Saruman, and Galadriel. At the end of the meeting, Galadriel speaks with Gandalf privately. The scene ends with Gandalf bowing his head to Galadriel and then looking up to see that she is no longer there.

Some people are asking if (or complaining that) Galadriel “teleported” into and out of Rivendell. While I have no idea of what Peter Jackson was trying to imply, Galadriel’s sudden appearance and disappearance can be explained by four possible means of which I can think:

  1. She “teleports” as viewers are inferring, although the Elves of the books do not have this capability (and they did not possess it in the “Lord of the Rings” movies)
  2. She is already present at the meeting place when Gandalf arrives and she could simply have walked away quietly.
  3. Peter may be implying that Galadriel can become “invisible” (enter the wraith-realm) as if she were wearing the One Ring (perhaps implying that the Three Rings have power over the Unseen, even though in the books that is not the case).
  4. She could be “projecting” her image into Gandalf, Saruman, and Elrond’s minds (even though there appears to be physical contact between Gandalf and Galadriel). Arwen did this when she watched over Aragorn in the movie “The Two Towers” (although the Elves of the book are not said to have this capability).

I suppose — unless Peter or one of the other writers address this question directly — the audience is meant to infer Galadriel’s presence at the impromptu meeting of the White Council in whatever mode they feel works best. The meeting itself does not occur in the book.

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  1. Yes stealth aproach seems the only possible option, others are just too unblievable even in films :). In the book we’re told that Wood Elves can move very stealthy, maybe PJ used this.

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