Could Gwindor and Finduilas Fall In Love Again?

A loving couple star at the stars and moon amid an enchanted nightscape.
The story of Gwindor and Finduilas is one of the many sad tales of the rebellious Noldor in ‘The Silmarillion’. Some readers want to know if they could eventually have a happy ending.

Q: Could Gwindor and Finduilas Fall In Love Again?

ANSWER: I’m not sure where I got this question from. It’s been sitting in my queue for a while and I do apologize for losing track of the original question.

The Story of Finduilas and Gwindor

Finduilas was the daughter of Orodreth, King of Nargothrond after Finrod. She loved a prince named Gwindor, son of Guilin. When Maedhros and Fingon summoned as many Elves and Men as would follow them, Orodreth refused to join their alliance. Only Gwindor led a small company of Elves north, and they served under Fingon’s banner.

Morgoth had commanded his servants to draw Fingon’s army out from their fortress before Maedhros arrived with his own troops. The Orcs mutilated and murdered Gwindor’s brother Gelmir in front of the Eldar, and Gwindor charged out in fury. The entire host of Hithlum followed him, and though they were at first victorious Morgoth’s purpose was fulfilled. The western Elves and their allies flowed into Morgoth’s trap. Gwindor was among the few survivors who were captured.

Gwindor eventually escaped from Morgoth’s mines and made his way back toward Elvish lands. He was found one night by Beleg of Doriath, who was searching for Turin, the mortal foster-son of King Thingol. They then found Turin, who accidentally slew Beleg in the darkness of night. After burying Beleg, Gwindor and Turin made their way to Nargothrond, where Gwindor was reunited with his people. Turin became a mighty warrior in the service of Orodreth and Finduilas fell in love with him, even though he did not return her feelings. Gwindor and Turin were gradually estranged.

In time Morgoth learned where Nargothrond was hidden and he sent Glaurung, father of dragons, with an army to destroy the Elves. Orodreth and most of his warriors were slain. Turin carried a mortally wounded Gwindor out of the battle. Gwindor warned Turin that if he failed to save Finduilas his own dark fate would find him. Turin set out to rescue the Elven princess, but Glaurung overpowered Turin in a contest of wills and cast a spell upon him, sending him on a fool’s errand to rescue his mother (who had already fled to safety) in the far north.

Finduilas and other captives were taken away. Their captors were ambushed by the Men of Brethil, who hoped to rescue the Elves. But the Orcs slew them all. Finduilas died there and was buried in a mound named Haudh-en-Arwen.

What Happened to Gwindor and Finduilas Afterward?

J.R.R. Tolkien never wrote anything more about the Elves. Their story had ended. But readers know from Tolkien’s other stories and posthumously published notes that the spirits of the slain Noldor and Sindar passed to the Halls of Mandos. There after a time of reflection, and healing, they would be released to live again among the Valar, Maiar, and Eldar of Aman.

So it follows that eventually Gwindor and Finduilas would live once more in the Blessed Realm. Their times of waiting would depend upon their deeds and sins. They might have remained in Mandos for many centuries, or they could have been restored to life within a few years. We’ll never know.

Nor can we know if they returned to life close together or many years apart. It seems unlikely to me they would never meet again, but would the healing they experienced in Mandos help them restore their former love?

Gwindor never stopped loving Finduilas. And because her love for Turin was unrequited, she never wed him. She would have been free to rekindle her love for Gwindor if she wished.

We Know of One Elf Couple Who Died

Although Tolkien wrote that the Eldar normally took only one mate, Finwë, first King of the Noldor, actually took two wives. His first wife was Miriel Serinde, mother of Fëanor. So much of her strength passed into her son that she died soon after he was born.

Finwë waited for Miriel to be restored to life, but she refused to accept the grace. And he eventually fell in love with another Elf, Indis. Finwë married Indis and had more children with her, including their sons Fingolfin and Finarfin.

After Finwë was slain by Morgoth, the Valar were presented with a dilemma. If both Finwë and Miriel returned to life, he would have two wives. So they gave them a choice: only one could live again. Finwë chose to remain in the Halls of Mandos and Miriel returned to life, but went to live as one of the Maiar.

Hence, on the basis of this precedent we know that either Finduilas or Gwindor could have chosen to remain in the Halls of Mandos rather than be restored to life. But we also know that, unlikely as it might seem, either one of them could also have returned to life and fallen in love with someone else.

In fact, they could both have returned to life and fallen in love with other Elves because neither of them had married.


I’d rather not speculate on what the ultimate fate of Gwindor and Finduilas would be. I think that’s best left up to each reader. Obviously it would be a sweet love story to see them reunite in time and grow together.

However, to answer the question directly, based on what we know about the characters and the Eldar, I’d say, yes, Gwindor and Finduilas could fall in love again. And maybe that is what Tolkien wanted people to assume without his having to write it out.

See Also

Unwritten Tales of Love and War (Classic Essay)

It’s All in the Family: The Finwëans (Classic Essay)

Lonely Wanderers and the Tales That Almost Were (Classic Essay)

Guess Who’s Coming to the Disaster (Classic Essay)

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