Help a Young Musician Create a Fantasy-inspired Album

UPDATE: Daniel reached his goal! Good work!

Daniel Cann wants to produce an album of music inspired by The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy stories he loves.  He is reaching out to the Internet for help in covering his modest production costs.  The project is called “The Singing Sword” (which name may be familiar to fans of Arthurian fantasy).  You can learn more about the project and Daniel Cann at his Kickstarter page.

To be honest, I was a bit skeptical when Daniel contacted me for help.  After all, while I encourage anyone with an interest in music to learn and practice as much as they desire to, there are many of us who will never become musical sensations.  Sometimes you can only hope for help from your friends.

In Daniel’s case he is clever enough to realize people will want to know if he can produce the music in his heart.  He’s uploaded a couple of videos to YouTube so we can all hear for ourselves just what his music is like.  Here is one of his videos:

I leave it to you to decide whether you want to contribute to the project.  He is asking for a total of just over USD 200.  He promises to deliver the finished work by September (perhaps in time for Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday).

We here at Xenite.Org have always had a soft spot for new and unknown artists.  How could I say “no” to a request for help?  Let’s put this one over the top, shall we, and look forward to an interesting album.

Here is the link to Daniel’s Kickstarter page for good measure:

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