Hot Zone: Articles about Frodo Baggins, Ringbearer

Q: Why Did Frodo Leave Middle-earth and the Shire?

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After the War of the Ring Frodo Baggins had to leave Middle-earth and the Shire because he had been spiritually wounded by carrying the One Ring. He needed to spend time in Valinor for spiritual healing so he could die peacefully.

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Q: Why Did Frodo Wait 17 Years To Leave the Shire?

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Frodo Baggins lived peacefully in the Shire after inheriting Bag End from his uncle and adoptive father Bilbo Baggins. He was unaware of the true nature of the magic ring Bilbo had left it. It wasn’t until Gandalf returned and explained things to him that Frodo realized he and the Shire were in danger because of the Ring.

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Q: Why Does Sam Call Frodo ‘Mister’?

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Sam Gamgee was Frodo Baggins’ most loyal friend and companion. Sam always referred to Frodo as his ‘master’ or “Mister Frodo”. But Sam was not a slave. He worked for Frodo as a gardener just as his father had worked for Bilbo.

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Q: How Did Bilbo and Frodo Support Themselves?

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Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins were very wealthy hobbits. Readers ask what their wealth was based on and how their family could live such a luxurious lifestyle when most hobbits were described as farmers and tradesmen.

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