How Did Elrond’s People Know Bilbo’s Name in The Hobbit?

Q: How Did Elrond’s People Know Bilbo’s Name in The Hobbit?

ANSWER: In The Hobbit the Elves of Rivendell greet Bilbo Baggins by name before he has introduced himself properly. The narrative says that he wondered how they should know his name. However, I think that Tolkien meant for astute readers to infer that Gandalf probably told the Elves about his companions. He mentions his conversation with two of Elrond’s people twice:

FIRST: “I went on to spy out our road. It will soon become dangerous and difficult. Also I was anxious about replenishing our small stock of provisions. I had not gone very far, however, when I met a couple of friends of mine from Rivendell.”

“Where’s that?” asked Bilbo,

“Don’t interrupt!” said Gandalf. “You will get there in a few days now, if we’re lucky, and find out all about it. As I was saying I met two of Elrond’s people. They were hurrying along for fear of the trolls. It was they who told me that three of them had come down from the mountains and settled in the woods not far from the road; they had frightened everyone away from the district, and they waylaid strangers.”

SECOND: They asked him where he was making for, and he answered: “You are come to the very edge of the Wild, as some of you may know. Hidden somewhere ahead of us is the fair valley of Rivendell where Elrond lives in the Last Homely House. I sent a message by my friends, and we are expected.”

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