Interviews With The Scholars

Beginning today we take a break from our series of Middle-earth Unplugged articles to launch a new series of articles featuring interviews with today’s leading Tolkien scholars. Over the next few weeks we’ll feature interviews with Mythlore editor Janet Croft, Tolkien Studies editor Michael Drout, authors John Rateliff, John Garth, Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull, and others.

The purpose of the series is to introduce Middle-earth’s growing audience and future readers to some of the most respected names in Tolkien scholarship, as well as the themes these scholars explore in their books and essays. If you think you have read everything about Tolkien, you may be surprised to learn many of the obscure details concerning his youth, his interests, and his stories that these scholars and researchers uncover in their investigations.

So please do enjoy reading our interview with Janet Brenna Croft as we kick off the series (and tell your friends where to find it!). Be sure to come back and check out our Middle-earth Interviews category every week as well.

Middle-earth is a special feature section of Xenite.Org, a science fiction and fantasy Website pleasing fans since March 1997.

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