Introducing Middle-earth Journals at Xenite.Org

There are online journals out there where you can read scholarly articles on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth as well as articles that explore new ideas and innovations in gaming set in Middle-earth. Middle-earth at Xenite.Org wants to help fans reconnect with these journals, some of which are no longer being published.

To that end each week we will publish an article about one of these journals, either a new edition of a previously discussed journal or an introduction to a new journal.

Tolkien scholarship has evolved through the decades to include contributions from many people both inside and outside academia. The challenge for fans of Tolkien and Middle-earth is to find the best journals and enjoy their information. We’ll do our best to help you on that journey.

We kick off this weekly series with “Other Hands Gamer Magazine Issue 1”. The articles will be published in our Middle-earth Journals Category.

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