LOTR Production Employee Arrested, Charged

TheOneRing.Net picked up a story on The New Zealand Herald Online about a man charged with theft and money laundering (among other crimes) in connection with an apparent attempt to steal and sell over the Internet copies of Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” film footage.It has been widely publicized that members of the cast and crew have been stocking up on freebies and leftover materials no longer required by the production company. A recent scandal involving a fraudulent auction on eBay for a sword allegedly taken from the production brought to light the intense interest in LOTR movie accoutrements.

The eBay auction was deemed to be fraudulent because ThreeFootSix Productions ascertained they were missing no props of the type described in the auction. eBay shut down the auction as soon as it was informed of the fraud.

Numerous fan sites have been competing for attention on the Internet by featuring “spy reports” and special insider stories from extras and crew members posting under pseudonyms. So far, all footage shown on fan Web sites has either been derived from authorized releases such as publicity photographs, news reports, or the Internet trailer, or have been supplied by independent photographers working outside the production premises or after the film crews have moved on.

The latest scandal may imply that a number of props have been stolen and perhaps sold over the Internet, and that the stolen film footage may have been up for sale as well. Whether any fan sites (well-known or new), or other Web sites which report on the “Lord of the Rings” film production were involved in any way has not yet been reported.

Despite the openness of one of the primary stars of the filmand efforts by New Line Cinema and ThreeFootSix to share as much information as will not spoil the three movies for potential viewers, the film sets have been shrouded in secrecy, often leaving fans to guess at the possible meanings of small details reported in various spy reports (some of which have been repudiated by various sources).

All members of the cast and crew have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements, and most appear to have abided by these agreements, either mangling facts if they report them as “spies” or leaving out significant details, or simply saying nothing at all. “The Lord of the Rings” movies are pumping tens of millions of dollars into the New Zealand economy and have given a major boost to New Zealand’s fledgling film and television industry. The project is almost portrayed as a national community heritage, and few New Zealanders seem to be willing to embark upon disloyal activities.

The accused man is reportedly of Yugoslavian descent, but his status (whether citizen or foreign national) has not at this time been announced. He is reportedly a stuntman.

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