Don’t Feed the Internet Trolls and Liars

Note to Redditors: Pretty much everything Uluithiad tells you is a lie.  It’s your choice to believe the bullshit.  For example:

  • I have only ever had 1 Reddit account and Uluithiad is the only Redditor to ever ban me (for reporting Uluithiad’s abuse).
  • Nor do I use scripts to trawl the Internet for mentions of my name.  The referrals from Reddit show up in our admin dashboards.

If you don’t want to be called out for your lies and abusive behavior then act like decent, civilized people (and tell the truth much as that would hurt you to do so). You should also ask yourselves why such toxic personalities go out of their ways to post lies about people from anonymous accounts.  And CodexRegius, no, you did NOT see me in the news groups in 1990.  Liar.

I urge you with all human compassion to seek professional counseling.

Addendum: Should you give me page views?  Well, if you’re just going to add lies, insults, and smear campaigns to the referrals why not just save yourselves the trouble?  Reddit doesn’t send much traffic to this site anyway.  I won’t miss it.  That way you can act like assholes without my ever knowing.  People like you represent all that has gone wrong with the Internet.

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