Middle-earth Articles for the Week of January 9 – 15, 2012

Here is a recap of the articles we published during the week of January 9 – 15, 2012 here on Middle-earth at Xenite.Org.

  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/where-have-all-the-dragons-gone/”>”Where Have All The Dragons Gone?” was added to our Tolkien and Middle-earth essays section on the day of January 9.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/what-is-the-correct-conversion-rate-for-years-of-the-sun-to-years-of-the-trees/”>What is the Correct Conversion Rate for Years of the Sun to Years of the Trees? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 9.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/what-was-in-bilbos-3-translations-from-the-elvish-books/”>What Was In Bilbo’s 3 Translations from the Elvish Books? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 9.
  • a href=”https://me-archive.xenite.org/other-hands-gamer-magazine-issue-20/”>Other Hands Gamer Magazine Issue 20 was added to our Tolkien and Middle-earth Journals section on the day of January 10.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/what-do-orcs-eat/”>What Do Orcs Eat? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 10.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/was-middle-earth-real/”>Was Middle-earth Real? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 10.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/magic-by-melkor-no-returns-accepted-2/”>”Magic By Melkor: No Returns Accepted” was added to our Tolkien and Middle-earth essays section on the day of January 11.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/what-was-the-origin-of-the-uruk-hai/”>What Was the Origin of the Uruk-hai? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 11.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/who-were-the-men-of-mirkwood/”>Who Were the Men of Mirkwood? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 11.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/did-j-r-r-tolkien-write-the-dwarves-song-about-erebor-in-the-hobbit/”>Did J.R.R. Tolkien Write the Dwarves Song About Erebor in The Hobbit? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 12.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/do-wood-elves-hunt-animals/”>Do Wood-elves Hunt Animals? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 12.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/why-does-cirdan-have-a-beard/”>Why Does Cirdan Have a Beard? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 13.
  • a href=”https://middle-earth.xenite.org/is-there-a-map-for-fornost-erain/”>Is There a Map for Fornost Erain? was published to our Tolkien Questions and Answers section on the day of January 13.

Middle-earth at Xenite.Org publishes original essays and articles covering a broad range of topics, including Middle-earth media, questions about J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth, and community events and activities of interest to fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Middle-earth is part of the Xenite.Org Science Fiction and Fantasy network of Websites.

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