New Question and Answer Section on Middle-earth

People ask so many questions about Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien, and his books that it seems a good idea to address them here on Xenite.Org’s Middle-earth Website. After all, Michael Martinez has been answering fan questions about Tolkien and Middle-earth online for almost 20 years. Why stop now?

So we have added a special Middle-earth Questions and Answers category where question and answer articles will be published.

For the first couple of weeks, and perhaps thereafter, we will publish 2 questions per day, Monday through Friday. We invite visitors to ask more questions in the comments.

We hope our visitors enjoy this new section. Some of the answers are quite long and include citations from Tolkien’s letters and books.

In fact, many people search for references to Tolkien’s letters used by FAQ (frequently asked question) documents to provide authoritative answers. Although the Tolkien letters may not provide all FAQ answers, they are a popular source used in answering questions from Tolkien fans.

The Middle-earth Question and Answer section will make use of many Tolkien books as well as his letters to answer FAQ (frequently asked questions) for curious fans who want to know more about Middle-earth and J.R.R. Tolkien.

[ Submit A Question ] Have a question you would like to see featured here? Use this form to contact Michael Martinez. If you think you see an error in an article and the comments are closed, you’re welcome to use the form to point it out. Thank you.
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