
There are over 1,000 articles on the Middle-earth Blog. The majority of these articles are located in the “Questions and Answers” category. It’s no longer useful to rely on that category to help visitors to our site find information about Tolkien and Middle-earth.

We are tagging as many of our articles as possible, both in the Q-and-A category and the Classic Essays Archive (originally written for Suite101 from 1999 to 2003). Those are the 2 largest categories for the blog.

The following tag archives contain the most articles. Each article that has been tagged links to its associated tag archives. There are more archives than appear in this list.

The Northmen
These articles discuss the Northmen of Middle-earth, or one or more of the various groups of Northmen who appear or are mentioned in the stories and essays.

The Elves
These articles discuss or mention the history, culture, or leaders of the Elves of Middle-earth.

The One Ring
These articles discuss aspects of the One Ring, or how various characters reacted to it or might have used it in hypothetical situations. Other articles mentioning the One Ring in some signicant way may also be tagged here.

The Kingdom of Gondor
These articles mention or discuss the Kingdom of Gondor, its history, culture, or leaders.

The Hobbits
These articles mention or discuss the history, culture, or significant members of the Hobbits and their various groups, families, and homelands.

Military Matters and Armies
These articles discuss the military practices and armies of the various realms and peoples in Middle-earth across all the ages.

The articles discuss Sauron or mention him in a significant way.

Middle-earth Movies
These articles mention or discuss topics related to the various film or movie adaptations of the Middle-earth stories.

The Kingdom of Dale
These articles discuss aspects of the history, culture, or leaders of the Kingdom of Dale and related topics.

The Kingdom of Rohan
These articles discuss or mention topics related to the Kingdom of Rohan (also known as the Riddermark) and associated information.

The Rohirrim
These articles discuss the history, culture, language, and leaders of the Rohirrim, one of the various groups of Northmen of Middle-earth.

These articles discuss topics related to the Kingdom of Cardolan or the region known as Cardolan, including its peoples, rulers, geography, and history.

The Gwathuirim
These articles discuss the various tribes and peoples descended from the ancient clans that gave rise to the Second House of the Edain: the Folk of Haleth, the Dunlendings, the Men of Bree, the Dead Men of Dunharrow, and others.

The Vales of Anduin
These articles discuss topics relating to the peoples and locations associated with the Vales of Anduin.

These articles discuss how J.R.R. Tolkien used racism to represent evil points of view in his fiction, and his own personal views on racism, which he detested and opposed both personally and professionally.

The Númenoreans
These articles discuss the peoples who settled in, inhabited, or were descended from the inhabitants of the island of Númenor throughout the Second, Third, and Fourth Ages.

These articles discuss the history, culture, and other topics associated with the island of Númenor.

Eriador, the Lone-Lands
These articles discuss topics associated with the realms, peoples, and locations found in the northern region of Eriador. Examples include the Shire, the Kingdom of Arnor, the Bree-land, and more.

Middle-earth Books
These articles discuss various books about Middle-earth, including scholarly works by authors other than Christopher or J.R.R. Tolkien. Some articles talking specifically about The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, etc. may also be tagged here.

The Beornings
These articles discuss topics associated with the followers of Beorn and their descendants, comprising one of the many groups of Northmen of Middle-earth.

The Woodmen of Mirkwood
These articles discuss the various groups of Northmen who lived in Greenwood the Great or Mirkwood. They were considered a branch of the Northmen of Middle-earth.

These articles mention or discuss aspects of the Kingdom of Rhovanion or the greater region generally known as Wilderland.

The Second Age of Middle-earth (Years of the Sun)
These articles discuss events, peoples, individuals, or realms associated with Middle-earth in the Second Age of the Years of the Sun.

These articles discuss topics related to Beorn, a mighty Northman warrior who befriended Thorin Oakenshield and company and who established a tribe of Northmen in the Vales of Anduin in the late Third Age.

The Kingdom of Arnor
These articles discuss the northern Dunadan realm of Arnor or its constituent regions or peoples, or its history and culture.

These articles discuss topics related to Isildur, the Line of Isildur, and events and individuals connected to Isildur.

The Third Age of Middle-earth (Years of the Sun)
These articles discuss events, peoples, individuals, or realms associated with Middle-earth in the Third Age of the Years of the Sun.

These articles discuss topics related to Elendil, the House of Elendil, and events and individuals connected to Elendil.

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