The One Ring RPG Demo in Spokane October 22, 2011

Hawke Robinson posted the following information to several mailing lists this week, announcing a demonstration of the new role-playing game The One Ring. The demo will be held at Merlyn’s in Spokane, WA, located at 19 West Main Avenue.

The One Ring RPG demo in Spokane, October 22, 4-6 pm. Merlyn’s


Just an FYI that we are running a second demonstration of the new Tolkien RPG “The One Ring” by Cubicle 7. This is not an “official” demonstration, I am just helping out to get the local Tolkien gaming community involved.

More information here.

This will take place at Merlyn’s in Spokane on 19 West Main Street, October 22nd, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

If you would like a chance to try out making characters, or playing some pre-generated characters through a short scenario, this is a perfect opportunity to do. There is also a better likelihood that the shipment of the rulebooks may finally arrive by then, so if you like the game you could buy it from Merlyn’s then.

Please email to let us know if you think you might make it, or have any questions.

You can learn more about The One Ring at Cubicle 7‘s Website.

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