Tolkien Fans to Meet in Spokane October 8

The Inland Empire Tolkien Society will hold its next meeting on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at Cafe Delcio on 2301 North Monroe, Spokane, Washington. The meeting lasts from 2PM to 4PM Pacific Time.

Meetings are free and open to the public.

The Inland Empire Tolkien Society is an official Tolkien Society smial.

Topics of discussion at Inland Empire Tolkien Society meetings include:

  • Discussion on “Fantasy Before Tolkien” book
  • Latest Other Minds Magazine articles discussion
  • Past several Middle-earth Radio topic discussions
  • Current Tolkien-based Fan-made film projects
  • Discussion from the latest U.K. Tolkien Society journals, and more
  • Upcoming Tolkien projects and events
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