Update on Tolkien Scholars Interviews

Today we have published a new interview with a Tolkien scholar by Michael Martinez. Please read An Interview with John Garth. John is the author of Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth and he is widely acknowledged as one of the leading Tolkien biographers in the world.

With this interview we also announce a change in editorial style that has been implemented across all of our Interviews with Tolkien Scholars. In each article Michael embeds occasional indented, italicized annotations that elaborate on points raised by the interviewees in their answers. In order to reduce reader confusion we have appended a micro-signature in the form of “–MM” at the end of each of these embedded anecdotes.

We do apologize to both our readers and our interviewees for any confusion the embedded anecdotes may have created about whose voice the anecdotes represent.

Editor’s Notes are always self-identified as such. We try to keep those to a minimum.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Middle-earth at Xenite.Org.

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