Where Does Gandalf Live?

Gandalf walks through Rivendell in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'
Where does Gandalf live in Middle-earth? The wizard spent about 2,000 years in Middle-earth, but he never settled in a permanent home.

Q: Where Does Gandalf Live?

ANSWER: Most people will tell you that Gandalf has no permanent home in Middle-earth — that he wanders around the landscape (hence his Elvish name, Mithrandir “grey wanderer”). But while Gandalf does not own any property or have a permanent home, he certainly has a permanent set of stopping places. He is well-known, for example, to the Elves of Rivendell and the Elves of Lothlorien. He must have spent a great deal of time visiting Elrond and Galadriel.

Gandalf arrived in Middle-earth around the Third Age year 1050. Coming ashore at or near the Grey Havens (Mithlond) in the Gulf of Lune, Gandalf was greeted by Cirdan the Shipwright. Gandalf spent the next 1,000 years or so wandering throughout Eriador, Gondor, and Rhovanion. He seems not to have gone eastward of the Sea of Rhun nor southward of Gondor’s southern borders. One would be curious to know if he ever visited the Iron Hills or Umbar.

Gandalf, like the other members of the Istari, met Kings and Queens and Captains and adventurers alike. He was well-known enough to the Stewards of Gondor that Denethor gave Gandalf access to the kingdom’s archives, and Faramir recalled spending time with Gandalf. It is therefore reasonable to infer that Gandalf could expect a place to stay when calling upon the rulers of various lands, and that he otherwise made do with whomever or wherever he was visiting.

Gandalf’s business in the Shire presents an interesting set of questions, however. For example, when he was visiting the Old Took, did Gandalf actually stay in Great Smials in Tookland? If not, did he stay close by at all? There were a few inns in the Shire that could accommodate Men (or Elves) so Gandalf should have been able to find a place to stay from time to time.

Gandalf also spent time at the Prancing Pony at Bree. Barliman knew him well enough and Gandalf used a nickname for Barliman (“Barley”). Therefore it’s probably safe to say that when Gandalf was not visiting Kings and Queens, Stewards, Thains, and the occasional Elven lord or lady that he probably had a few choice selections of inns where he could stay. All of which is to say that while Gandalf certainly did not have a permanent home he most assuredly had a permanent sphere of activity where he spent approximately 2,000 years.

While there were kings at Fornost Erain, Gandalf most likely spent some time visiting them. He may have spent time in Tharbad as well.

See Also

What Was the Source of Gandalf’s Fireworks?

How Much Power Did Gandalf Have?

Why Does Gandalf Say, “Fly You Fools”?

How Long Did Gandalf and the Balrog Fall?

Did Gandalf Really Die after Killing the Balrog?

How Did Gandalf Kill the Balrog of Moria?

How Does Gandalf Get His Staff Back?

Why Does Gandalf Leave Bilbo and the Dwarves in The Hobbit?

Could the Lord of the Nazgûl Have Defeated Gandalf?

When Does Gandalf Die?

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